• 2024 CALENDAR

Why Investors Join Capital Angel Network

Aspiring, new and accomplished investors are welcome at Capital Angel Network

Code of Conduct

CAN members tell us they improve their investment returns when working with a group. Access to screened dealflow helps them buid personalised portfolios of 20+ startups minimizing risk.

Members generously share investment experience,  insights and diverse industry expertise improving investment assessments and easing the otherwise heavy Due Diligence load.Angel Groups are fuelled by mutual trust.  

Members must be accredited to make investments OR meet OSC criteria for an exception



CAN leaders and members genuinely champion entrepreneurs. The friendly culture is built upon fun, knowledge, belonging, growth, mentoring and learning, respect and trust.


Founders entrust sensitive materials in the course of seeking investment.  Before attending a Member Meeting guests commit to a Code of Conduct - here.  

Community and Trust

Apply for Membership

Pay for Membership

Being an angel has been a lot of fun. It is a great way to learn about new, innovative ideas, and support founders with early capital and expertise. Joining Capital Angel Network gave better deal flow, more expertise looking at deals, and ultimately a better return on investment.

-Jennifer Francis, Capital Angel Network Chair & Investor


Getting Involved at CAN

CAN Members are welcoming and highly collaborative.

The group benefits from diverse thinking, deep knowledge and fresh viewpoints across the membership,  including fund managers, VCs, Family Offices, seasoned angels with 30-50 portfolio companies, and new investors.

They enjoy one another's company - from deal making to in-person socials

There are multiple opportunities to volunteer in leadership roles at CAN, from Board seats, to Screening and Selection, developing eduational content, mentoring, welcoming new members and modelling the next generation of angel investing.

Members are welcoming

and collaborative


Screened deal flow

600 annual investment applications are reviewed by the Screening Committee and 27 of the greatest potential startups are invited to present at Member Investment Meetings.

CAN is part of a network of 17 angel groups across Southern Ontario and is considered a leader in Canada's most prolific investment region


Offline deals

From time to time members have the opportunity to participate in fast moving and portfolio company follow on rounds - Bridge, SEED and Series A and Series B


Increased ability to influence deal terms

Investing as a group provides influence to negotiate terms when required. Follow on rights, information rights, sometimes the instrument used and valuation depending on the stages of fundraising are on the table.


Shared Due Diligence

The due diligence process is shared across investors in the deal easing the load and increasing expertise, decision quality and confidence


Individual investment decisions

Unlike a fund - you're creating a targeted portfolio as unique as your investment thesis. There are no requirements or pressure to invest


Inviting learning environment

CAN has an "observer" role where you can follow deals all the way to the close without investment expectations. The CAN Education Committee has developed a learning program including workshops and experienced investor lessons learnt. A  rich repository of learning videos in Valuations, Deal Docs, Due Diligence, the art of investing and sector specific investment panels is available in our dealroom


Championing founders

We encourage members to introduce startups to our deal flow process. Championed startups get a closer look  


Membership includes a digital dealroom subscription

Dealum allows you to create your own dealroom to track your investments and see how others voted on Startup pitches. Data room and due diligence files are all located in one place


Mentorship and volunteering

CAN is a volunteer run organization. There are opportunities to get involved at the Board, Selection Committee, Membership Committee, Education Committee and as part of the provincial Angel Investing NextGen Transformation project.

CAN's own CANLABS - investor readiness program for founders - provides enjoyable mentorship opportunities with founders who have graduated from accelerators and are getting round ready.

The 2024 membership rate is one of the lowest in the province

-$1000 (plus HST/GST)
Venture Capital firms and Family Offices - $2000 (plus HST/GST).

Apply for Membership

CAN Investment Process

Member Playbook

... Getting Involved at CAN